About us

At the American Institute for Professional Certification, we work to provide confidence in the technical and managerial capabilities of professionals in a variety of disciplines and fields.

We develop comprehensive and state-of-the-art assessments to award competency certifications that are universally respected, admired, and recognized.
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What we do

We evaluate and certify competence in the most relevant subjects in the areas of industry, technology and business management.

We develop custom assessments and certifications in multiple languages based on the specific needs of our clients.
Our assessments focus on core knowledge, problems
resolution, application of concepts, logical reasoning and real life situations, analysis of the situation.


Our Headquarters is made up of Administrative Offices, Corporate Functions, Our Research and Development Center and Testing Facilities, although in the last decade most of our business has transitioned to the digital environment.

Global Reach of Service: We provide direct service to the US and Canada, but reach the rest of the world through our strategic regional partners such as training agencies, consulting firms and educational institutions: 22 countries within Europe, South America , Central America and the Caribbean.

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The American Institute for Professional Certification was founded by a group of professionals: an Engineer, a Business Manager, and Scientists, experts in their disciplines, who identified the need to create a high-quality, respected entity that could provide credibility and reputation to people competent.
They recognized that highly-skilled professionals with extensive experience and different learning backgrounds often face the challenge of supporting their knowledge, and organizations around the world require a trusted reference that validates an individual's competency in recruiting, talent development and career.

With more than 45 years of experience, our mission has become more pressing over time, considering the requirements of an increasingly competitive environment for business and the general performance of organizations.