The institute

Welcome to the American Institute for Professional Certification!

About us

Welcome to the American Institute for Professional Certification! We are dedicated to instilling confidence in the technical and managerial capabilities of professionals across various disciplines and fields. With our comprehensive and state-of-the-art assessments, we aim to award competency certifications that are universally respected, admired, and recognized.

What We Do

At the American Institute for Professional Certification, our primary focus is on evaluating and certifying competence in the most relevant subjects within the realms of industry, technology, and business management. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends, and our assessments reflect this commitment.

One of our key strengths lies in our ability to develop custom assessments and certifications in multiple languages, tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. We recognize that different industries and regions may have unique requirements, and we pride ourselves on delivering assessments that align with these demands.

Our assessments go beyond mere theoretical knowledge. We assess core knowledge, problem resolution skills, the application of concepts, logical reasoning, and real-life situations. By simulating practical scenarios and analyzing situational contexts, we ensure that our certifications truly reflect an individual's abilities and readiness to excel in their field.


While our headquarters comprise Administrative Offices, Corporate Functions, Our Research and Development Center, and Testing Facilities, we have embraced the digital era over the past decade. Most of our business now takes place in the digital environment, allowing us to efficiently serve professionals worldwide.

Global Reach of Service

Though we provide direct service to the United States and Canada, our reach extends far beyond these borders. We have established strategic partnerships with regional training agencies, consulting firms, and educational institutions to ensure we can effectively serve clients in various parts of the world.

Currently, our global reach encompasses 22 countries within Europe, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Through our network of trusted partners, we bring our renowned certifications and assessments to professionals seeking to enhance their careers and demonstrate their expertise.

Join us at the American Institute for Professional Certification and embark on a journey towards greater professional recognition and success. Let us help you showcase your capabilities and stand out in your industry. Contact us today to learn more about our certifications and how we can support your professional growth.
